What Is A Website Conversion?

Last updated: October 10, 2022

Written by Onder Hassan

In this article, we’re going to discuss one important element that helps determine a website’s success - website conversions.

When optimized correctly, website conversions can make a difference when trying to grow your business online as it is a key element to increasing leads and sales.

According to a statistic by TechJury: “52% of companies and agencies that use landing pages do testing to optimize them.”

It’s clear that the most successful companies take conversion rates seriously as it will have a serious effect on their bottom line. And this is especially true when you’re in a highly competitive market.

what is a website conversion

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What is a Website Conversions? 

A website conversion is an event that occurs when a visitor completes a specific action on your website such as buying a product.

This action is generally set by the site owner, which allows them to better control the objective and what they would like their website to achieve.

Here are a few ways that a website conversion can be measured. When a visitor:

  • Fills in a Contact Form.
  • Subscribes to an email list in return for a free lead magnet.
  • Purchases a product.
  • Clicks on a call-to-action.
  • Scrolls through content.
  • Sharing content on their social media feed.
  • Following you on social media.
  • Registers for a webinar.
  • Fills out an application form.
  • Books a demo for the software.
  • Join a waitlist.
  • And more...

These conversion types will vary depending on the nature of the business and what the overall goals of your web pages and funnels are. 

But the clear objective is the same, which is to get visitors and prospects to take an action without leaving the site.

The above examples can be broken down into 2 main conversions:

Micro Conversions:
Where small commitments are made leading up to the conversion objective such as joining a waiting list, subscribing to an email list or following your brand on social media.

Macro Conversions:
The big overarching commitment that is the main objective of your business, such as making a sale.

In order to track a conversion rate, it’s important that you set up a tracking tool, which is typically one of the first things that business owners focus on when looking to optimize their conversion rates.

Thankfully, Google has made this process simple using their free Google Analytics tool, which tracks all of the traffic coming to your website as well as sets specific goals that you can view at a glance inside the dashboard.

Google Analytics - Conversions

Calculating a conversion rate is straightforward and uses a simple formula:

(Number of goal achievements / Number of visitors) × 100%​ = Website Conversion Rate

If you had 12 conversions with the total number of visitors equalling 500, we will be able to use these figures to do a simple calculation:

(12 / 500) x 100

(0.024) x 100 = 2.4

Based on the above calculation, the conversion rate would be 2.4%

In order to begin optimizing your site for higher conversion rates, it’s vitally important that you track the data coming to your website. This will help you gauge what parts of your website need improving.

How To Increase Your Conversion Rates 

Your conversion rate optimization will differ and depend on the market you’re in and the audience you’re serving.

As a general estimation when it comes to getting visitors to opt into your email list in return for a lead magnet. A good average opt-in rate is between 30-60%

For making a sale through a cold visitor who has seen your brand for the very first time. A good sales conversion rate is between 2-4%

The best suggestion here at OptimizePress is to test until you find an optimal conversion rate that works best for your particular industry.

What Is A Good Conversion Rate? 

If you’re currently struggling with low conversion rates, then all is not lost.

While learning to increase your conversion rates can be challenging when first starting out, it does get easier as you start to figure out what works for your industry.

But to help you quickly get started, we’re going to show you 2 tried and tested strategies that when applied, will help you quickly see a positive increase in your conversion rates.

Test Each Stage Of Your Funnel

Your sales funnel is the single most important determining factor when it comes to leading your visitors towards making a sale.

From the moment they first land on your website or landing page, what happens after that point is completely within your control as a business owner. 

So how you strategically structure your pages will play a vital role in ensuring your funnel is as optimised as possible.

AIDA Funnel Stages

A funnel generally consists of 4 stages:

This is the point at which your visitor is aware that your brand exists. It may be from seeing an ad, seeing a search result on Google or simply through word of mouth through a friend or family member. 

Ensuring you get this part right and optimizing it correctly will greatly increase visitors to your website who will visit your website or blog post and increase potential conversions in your business.

Does the visitor have an interest in your content? This is where your value proposition and overall content become extremely important. 

Spending time researching content and discovering what your potential customer likes will be of great importance and will drastically increase engagement and build fans and buyers over time.

Does your visitor have a desire for what you’re offering? If your products and services are not aligned with their wants and needs, then conversion rates will generally suffer and result in a lack of sales. 

Ensuring that you research your customer and identify their needs will greatly improve your ability to create products and services that they want and thus improve conversion rates.

Are your visitors taking the desired action you’re encouraging them to take? Making your call-to-action buttons clear plays a huge role in ensuring that you get the conversions you want.

As it’s the final step of the process, it is the most important as it can result in losing your visitors completely and not getting given a second chance. 

Ensure that your action buttons include a colour that is different to your main colour palette and that it stands out from the rest of your website.

We’ve written an ultimate guide to Marketing Funnels, which goes into further detail on how you can best use them in your business.

Make Your Site Easy To Navigate

A site that isn’t correctly structured will greatly reduce visitor engagement. Make your site simple to understand and one that contains as few options as possible. 

Basic web design doesn’t mean a poor website and will often retain visitor engagement a lot more as opposed to a site containing bells and whistles. 

This is essential if you want to reduce page load times due to your website being lightweight in size and easier to load by your hosting server.

As you can see, while these 2 strategies are basic and straightforward, it is very powerful when applied correctly and will ensure that your website is as optimized as possible and result in high conversion rates.



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